Guardian Membership
The most popular membership tier to help you be prepared.
(Annual plan saves ~8%.)
Membership levels have been established to help group specific features together to aid in your specific cybersecurity needs based on your current and future needs. A FREE Basic Membership Level has been created so that all tax professionals, financial planners, CPA's, and other individuals in the finance and accounting industries have access to updated information and secure procedures. Additional tiers are added so each member and organization can select what features work best for them.
Monthly Newsletter
Facebook Community
Critical Update Notifications
Annual Review Checklist
1 CE Credit Monthly (11 Tax Topics, 2 Ethics Annually)
Two Monthly Group Support Q&A Calls
Critical Notification Corrective Actions
Monthly Staff Training Videos
Discounted Software
Tech 101 Video Library
How-To Guides
Hardware Reviews
Unbiased Vendor Reviews
Large Template Library
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
All Offerings, Services
An accounting and financial services industry-specific vendor management tool, helping review suppliers, tools, and systems to assist with FTC Safeguards Rule compliance.
All Offerings, Continuing Education
This course covers federal taxpayer information and document retention rules for tax and accounting firms, ensuring legal compliance and enhanced client trust.
All Offerings, Continuing Education
You have invested time and resources into developing a secure and robust security plan but one of your biggest struggles will be your clients embracing these efforts and complying with these plans. We will discuss plans and efforts to assist clients.
All Offerings, Resources
Collection of resources, training, and tutorials on best practices to improve the overall security of your firm.
All Offerings, Resources
Collection of AI, prompts, data analytics techniques, algorithms, automations, and more. Helping you improve your firm through the latest in tech!
All Offerings, Services
A data destruction and hardware recycling service. Send us your equipment and we will cleanse and permanently remove any data, remove and destroy computer storage, prepare the equipment for recycling, and then provide a certificate of destruction.